Lori Bushway of Cornell University's Department of Horticulture says a garden can be as simple as digging up a few square feet of your lawn and sprinkling lettuce seeds in the dirt. 康乃尔大学园艺系的布什维(LoriBushway)说,菜园可以很简单,比如在自家草坪上开辟出来几平方英尺的地方,把生菜种子撒在土里。
One day, his wife stood at the window to the garden looked and saw a very nice vegetable garden on the length of the lettuce. 一天,妻子站在窗口向花园望去,看到一块菜地上长着非常漂亮的莴苣。
Like other mothers in the program, Pulido followed a workshop instructor's advice to plant a backyard garden, and grow onions, beans, cilantro, and lettuce for her family's table. 与项目下其他母亲一样,Pulido按照培训班老师的建议,在后院的花园中栽种葱头、大豆和莴笋等供自家食用。